credit score

How Credit Score is Calculated?

In the past, people’s creditworthiness was assessed based on interpersonal communication, reputation in the community, and personal relationships. Today, this credibility is assessed through credit history.

A credit history reflects a person’s financial decisions, years of spending habits, repayment terms, and debt management. Together, let’s decode how credit history is built.

What is a credit history?

Just as history measures events and activities over time, credit history reflects a person’s financial activities over a lifetime. A credit score is a three-digit number, usually between 300 and 850, that describes a person’s creditworthiness.

The higher the credit score, the more financially reliable the person appears to potential lenders. Credit history is crucial if you want to know whether a personal loan or a mortgage is possible.

taking loan

How credit history is built?

If you’ve come to this article, you’ve probably asked yourself -how is my credit history built? A credit score is like a jigsaw puzzle because it comprises different pieces of financial history.

Several factors are taken into account when determining this hard-to-get number:

  • Payment history (35%): Includes punctuality of credit card payments, loans, and other bills.
  • Credit utilization (30%): Measures the amount of available credit you use. A ratio of under 30% is generally favorable.
  • Length of credit history (15%): Evaluate the duration of your oldest and newest account and the average age of all your funds.
  • Types of credit in use (10%): Considers the mix of credit cards, retail accounts, installment loans, etc.
  • New credit (10%): Number of recently opened accounts and inquiries into your credit report.
credit calculate

Interpreting results

Just as historians interpret events, consumers must learn how to solve their credit rating and its meaning. Credit scores typically range from 300 (poor) to 850 (excellent).

Here is a simple breakdown with examples:

300 – 579 – Poor

Example: John missed multiple credit card payments and declared bankruptcy last year. His current score is 520, placing him in the “Poor” category. This category could mean higher loan interest rates and difficulties getting credit approval.

580 – 669 – Fair

Example: Lisa occasionally misses her utility bills but always pays her credit card on time. Her score is 650, indicating she’s in the “Fair” range. She might get loan approvals, but only sometimes with the best interest rates.

670 – 739 – Good

Example: Carlos has a mix of credit types, has never missed a payment, but keeps a high balance on his cards. With a score of 710, he falls under the “Good” range and is likely to get loan approvals with moderate interest rates.

740 – 799 – Very Good

Example: Aisha uses her credit card regularly but ensures she’s utilizing only 20% of her available credit. She’s been consistent with her payments, giving her a score of 760, which is considered “Very Good”. She can expect better-than-average interest rates and loan terms.

800 – 850 – Excellent

Example: Raj has been meticulous with his finances for decades. He owns a diverse range of credit accounts and maintains minimal balances on his credit cards. His impeccable financial habits earn him an 830, placing him in the “Excellent” category. He’ll be welcomed by lenders with open arms, getting the best terms and lowest interest rates available.

Understanding where you are in this range helps you set financial goals to improve your credit rating and keep it high. The better the score, the better the terms when borrowing money or seeking credit.

A higher credit rating increases the likelihood of getting loans with favorable terms and lower interest rates. On the other hand, a low score may limit your options or raise interest rates.

Modern trends in credit evaluation

Like any field, credit assessment is not static and continues to evolve. Traditional credit scoring models are now supplemented with alternative data such as utility bill payments, rents, and social media activity.

Fintech companies and some advanced banks use artificial intelligence and machine learning to give a more complete picture of a person’s creditworthiness.


We go back in history to learn from it. The evolution of credit ratings serves as a reminder of our financial journey – where we have been, where we are, and where we aspire to be.

Keeping track of your credit history doesn’t just mean that you’ll be able to get a loan. Being responsible about your credit history contributes to a robust financial position.

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making espresso

Espresso Drinking Traditions

As the world wakes up at the break of dawn, many turn to their faithful companion, coffee, to kickstart their day. Espresso, a concentrated form of this beloved beverage, has a unique tale. While many of us at focus on optimizing physical potential, understanding how espresso boosts our energy is equally important. So, let’s dive into the refreshing world of espresso and its rich traditions.

The birthplace of espresso

We rarely pause to ponder its origins when we sip on our morning coffee. Every drink has its tale, some drenched in history, others in culture. Espresso is more than just a quick way to get caffeine. It is a drink with a rich history that spans centuries and cultures.

It all started in Italy, where people combined creativity and tradition to make espresso. Espresso, which comes from the Italian word for “pressed out,” was born in Italy in the early 1900s. The espresso machine was invented to make coffee faster by using steam pressure to push hot water through fine-ground coffee.

Milan and Rome soon saw bustling cafes, with locals and tourists flocking to savor this new, robust coffee. Italy remains the epicenter of espresso culture today, with rituals like ‘la pausa’ – a quick coffee break to rejuvenate oneself.

birthplace of espresso

How espresso stands out

In a world of myriad coffee variations, each boasting unique preparation methods and flavor profiles, espresso holds a singular throne. Its creation isn’t just about grinding beans and adding water; it’s an art form that demands precision and care. 

Here’s a deep dive into what makes espresso the king of coffees, standing tall and proud amidst its peers. Espresso is brewed by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely ground coffee beans. This method distinguishes it from other coffees like drip or French press. 

The result? A thicker, creamier coffee with a higher concentration of suspended solids. The ‘crema’ on top, a golden foam layer, is a signature of a well-brewed espresso. Its intense flavor and higher caffeine concentration are the reasons behind its immense popularity.

Potential health benefits of espresso

A wellness elixir for many, espresso offers health benefits along with its rich taste and energizing effects. Not just a beverage, this drink is a way to improve our well-being. Our physical health is influenced by what we eat, how we exercise, and also by what we drink. When drunk in moderation, let’s discover how this strong drink can benefit our bodies in various ways.

Due to its concentrated nature, espresso contains antioxidants and essential nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and niacin. These compounds can aid energy production, muscle function, and DNA repair. Furthermore, caffeine, in moderation, can enhance physical performance, increase alertness, and boost metabolism.

espresso coctails

Espresso’s modern twists

The evolution of food and drink is a testament to humanity’s constant quest for novelty, even in the realm of the familiar. Despite its deep-rooted traditions, Espresso has yet to escape this wave of innovation. From coffeehouses in bustling cities to artisanal cafes in quaint towns, espresso is getting modern makeovers. 

Discover how tradition is getting a contemporary spin, making our favorite drink even more intriguing. Today, we see an array of espresso-based drinks like cappuccinos, lattes, and cortados. Cold brew espresso shots, espresso martinis, and espresso-infused desserts are making waves in cafes and restaurants. 

In conclusion

As we strive to work and perform to our fullest, finding those little joys and boosts that make the journey smoother is essential. Espresso, with its rich history and powerful punch, offers both. Whether pulling an all-nighter, going on a morning jog, or enjoying a moment of peace, an espresso can be your perfect companion. 

Remember, as with all things, moderation is key. Here’s to a reenergized routine, courtesy of this Italian marvel. Read also about daily tips on how to reduce stress. Cheers from the family!